Then Again This Is a Guy Who Voice Digital Like to Play and Tells People to Become

If you're a human living on planet Earth, chances are, you know at least one person who can be described as "difficult," "emotionally abusive" or "toxic."

These creatures can be identified by their uncanny abilities to create drama out of thin air and exploit other people for their own personal satisfaction.

Here are their favorite weapons of mass destruction.

1. Silent Treatment

By ignoring you emotionally abusive people put themselves in the position of power, silence and dismiss you, but most importantly, punish you.

Punishment is what's at the heart of silent treatment.

And make no mistake about it — it's a form of emotional abuse. In fact, it's so cruel and destructive that it activates the same part of the brain (anterior cingulate cortex) that detects physical pain.

Yet a toxic person believes it's fair. And the more you grovel and apologize, the more they are convinced that you deserved it.

2. Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a manipulative tactic aimed at undermining your perception, thus making you second-guess yourself, and even question your sanity. A toxic person uses this technique to warp the reality in their favor.

If you confront them about their passive-aggressive behavior, they'll just look shocked, then say:

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I've done no such thing to you. I think you're just being too sensitive. We all feel like we have to walk on eggshells around you."

Gaslighting is also a form of emotional abuse. It erodes the very foundation of your being: your ability to trust yourself.

3. Guilt Trip

Guilt trips are the bread and butter of emotionally abusive people.

They know that if they can make you feel guilty, you will feel obligated to make up for the supposed transgression.

Of course, the only reason you can be manipulated this way is that, unlike them, you are a decent human being with a sound conscience.

By invoking guilt and shame – two very toxic emotions, they achieve absolute compliance with their wishes, all the while playing the victim.


4. The Blame Game

While it's a normal human tendency to shift blame onto someone else, a toxic person takes it to an extreme. It's always someone else's fault.

The blame game allows them to be instantly absolved of any wrongdoing while remaining in control.

It can range from casual finger-pointing to severe emotional outbursts such as rage, silent treatment, name-calling, and even physical violence.

Yet again, this is a form of abuse.

5. Triangulation

Triangulation means involving a third party in a two-person conflict, where a third person plays the role of a proxy, a messenger, a negotiator, etc.

A typical example of triangulation in a dysfunctional family is when a narcissistic mother intentionally pits her children against one another (divide and conquer technique) to make them compete for her affection.

Another way an emotionally abusive person uses triangulation is by trashing you to other people, thus creating "alliances." This is a way for them to avoid direct communication with you, yet still express disapproval.

toxic parents

6. Projection

Just like a projector casts an image onto a screen, a toxic person projects their own flaws, fears, and wrongdoings onto others.

It's a defense mechanism that allows them to maintain a sense of superiority while condemning others for the very traits they possess.

Examples of projection are a legion. A toxic person will accuse you of being dishonest, even though they are a pathological liar.

They will complain that you're rude and disrespectful, even though they've never shown you an ounce of respect.

They will call you a drama queen even though every conflict essentially stems from them.

Is there a way you can make them see their projections? Not likely.

Emotionally abusive people are not known for their self-awareness, and they're not interested in self-improvement either. They're already perfect!

So the chance that they will take responsibility for their manipulative behavior is about zero.

7. Smear Campaign

The jig is up: you see them for who they are. In this scenario, their best course of action is to discredit you. That's why the smear campaign.

With the smear campaign, a toxic person aims to destroy your reputation while simultaneously elevating themselves to the status of a saint.

Since they can easily transform from an abusive narcissist to a poor helpless victim, they are able to manipulate other people (a.k.a. the flying monkeys) to question your character. You may even find yourself ostracized or bullied.

That is the ultimate goal – to humiliate and isolate you. There's no plan beyond that. Vicious gossip can destroy lives, but a toxic person doesn't care, as long as they come up on top.

An emotionally abusive person will spread lies and rumors about you to make sure people are on their side.

What Can You Do to Counteract These Tactics?

Your best defense is knowing who you're dealing with.

Read the literature about abusive, narcissistic, toxic people. Look for the signs. Know the facts. Learn the vocabulary. It's much harder to gaslight someone who knows what gaslighting is!

In conducting your research you may realize that toxic people are more dangerous than you could have imagined.

They're capable of inflicting real psychological harm. They can be the source of torment, anxiety, depression, marital discord, and many other untold destructive consequences for the people around them.

Yet they are so skilled at masking their pathology, they're usually supported by family members and their social circle. So the victims are left to fend for themselves.

That's why it's important to understand who you're dealing with, what they're capable of, and why the relationship with this person seems impossible or painfully draining.

Once you start connecting the dots, they can't pull the wool over your eyes anymore. You've won half the battle.

Now you just have to win the battle inside your own mind.


How to Start an Emotional Abuse Recovery Blog

Why You Attract Toxic People (8 Reasons That Will Surprise You)

How to Disarm a Manipulator (When You're a People Pleaser)

Difficult, #emotionallyabusive or #toxicpeople use unfair tactics to exploit and manipulate other people. Learn to spot and understand their methods. #gaslighting #triangulation #blamegame #guilttrip #silenttreatment #projection #smearcampaign


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